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How Our Garnishments Work


For many years, our clients have asked if we provide collection services.  Our answer has always been "no," and that we prefer to focus on evictions and refer you to someone who focuses on collections.  Unfortunately, our clients have not been satisfied with their choices for collecting judgments--particularly eviction judgments.  We are listening.


We offer set-fee garnishment services for your judgments similar to our existing eviction services.  We have two attorneys on staff who are experienced with garnishments and collection work.  We are not a collection agency; we do not call your former tenants to demand payment.  We use legal process to take money directly from a bank account or paycheck that you identify for us.  We will offer set-fee garnishments for existing judgments only; if you have a debt that you would like reduced to judgment, contact us and one of our attorneys may be able to help.

Start a New Garnishment


To start a garnishment with LT Services, complete our New Matter Intake form and send it to us by fax or e-mail with your supporting documentation.

Why Set Fees?


Set fees are flat, fixed costs for each step in the garnishment process, giving you predictability and flexibility.  Set fees mean that you always know exactly what each step will cost without worrying about hourly rates or contingencies.  It also means you keep total control over your matter instead of giving a collection agency power to decide what what to do and when.  Set-fees mean we always provide the service you want when you want it.  If your former tenant contacts you to pay off a judgment, you can take it without worrying what percentage a collection agency will demand after the fact.  Set fees mean you never worry about the exact amount of hourly charges or whether this or that phone call is costing you money.

Residential and Multi-Family
Bank Account Garnishments


As a landlord, you probably know where your tenant banks.  Your former tenant's canceled rent check or screening application identifies what bank he or she uses.  We will use that information to garnish the bank account you choose, provide you with the best chance of recovery.

Commercial Rental Property
Continuing Wage Garnishment


The most effective collection technique is often to garnish a debtor's wages.  As the debtor's former landlord, you probably know from conversation or a screening application where your former tenant works.  Unlike bank accounts, which are easily closed or moved, a former tenant will rarely quit his or her job to avoid paying a debt.  In Washington, this process continues automatically for 60 days.  We can renew it as many times as you need to collect your judgment.

Post-Foreclosure Eviction Services
Employment Search


As a landlord, you are often in the best position of many possible creditors to recover from your former tenant.  Your screening application and conversations with your tenant provide a wealth of information which you can use to recover what is yours.  If you have a judgment but do not know where the debtor works, we can often do a search of Washington employment records to find out if he or she is employed in this state.  Once we receive that information, we can garnish the debtor's wages from that employer.

LT Services is a division of Cutting Law Office PC

© by Cutting Law Office PC

811 First Avenue, Suite 530, Seattle, WA 98104

Phone: 206.241.1550

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